📌 In November 2022, shortly before the big hype about #GenerativeAI, I wrote a blog post titled...
Articles from the category
// Operational Excellence
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Why process mining is just the beginning
Discover the numerous extensions of process mining that form the new ‘enterprise mining’...
Why process mining has reached the ‘must-have’ tipping point
Discover why process mining has become a ‘must-have’ for process analysis and optimizationSince...
How to ensure efficient communication of guidelines and policies across an organization
Find out how a digital communication solution can enable businesses to ensure compliance of new...
Five ways process mining drives operational excellence
Comparing process mining to deep-space telescopes - why process intelligence is critical to...
The digital future of risk and compliance management
Why intelligent automation, process mining and a process-oriented approach are essential to...
Impacting businesses’ top and bottom lines by optimizing procure-to-pay
With many global supply lines experiencing massive impairments, learn how process mining can...
Have we forgotten about customer excellence?
With many businesses letting customer experience take a back seat, discover how to integrate...